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Irina Presnetsova
© Photo: unknown

The event will bring together international women researchers to explore the legacy of 20th century women architects and designers from former socialist countries. Several innovative but previously overlooked women designers and architects will be featured. Although gender equality in design and architecture was barely achieved during this period and remained another utopian promise, the presentations will highlight the value of these women's contributions to the disciplines, especially by creating designs that promoted diversity and inclusion.

Panel discussion and conversations with Alyona Sokolnikova, Alla Vronskaya, Mary Pepchinski, Helena Huber-Doudová, Kaja Muszyńska

by Claudia Banz - curator "Retrotopia. Design for Socialist Spaces"

Alyona Sokolnikova - "Women designers in the USSR"

Kaja Muszyńska - "Women Designers in Communist Poland"

Cvetka Požar - "The work and role of women architects and designers in the 1950s and 1960s in Slovenia"

/// Break ///

16.00 - 18.00

Mary Pepchinski - "Women Architects in East and West, 1945-1990: Differences. Commonalities?"

Helena Huber-Doudová - "Women in Architecture. Re-structuring collecting, exhibiting and canonizing in the expanded field"

Alla Vronskaya- "Women Build Socialism."


Moderation: Maria Pepchinski

Participation free of charge.
Registration not required.

Translated with DeepL


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