Since time immemorial, the First Nation Kwakwaka`wakw from Canada have been carving masks that open up and can be transformed into various animal and human faces.
What do they mean? Why are the masks important today? You can trace the stories of the masks and design your own mysterious masks out of cardboard and colourful paper.
- no admission fee
- 6 years and older
- in German
- Room 217, 2nd floor
Languages: German
- 15. December 2024 15:00 - 18:00
- 22. December 2024 15:00 - 18:00
- 29. December 2024 15:00 - 18:00
- 5. January 2025 15:00 - 18:00
- 12. January 2025 15:00 - 18:00
- 19. January 2025 15:00 - 18:00
- 26. January 2025 15:00 - 18:00
10178 Berlin
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+49 (30) 992118989
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+49 (30) 992118989
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In German Sign Language through BERLIN GLOBAL. Guided Tour
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BERLIN GLOBAL. ElternzeitKultur
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Picture book cinema: Colors for All - Кольори для всіх
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HUMBOLDT LABOR. Discovering humans and nature. Drop-In of the Humboldt Lab
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HUMBOLDT LABOR - After Nature. Auditory and tactile tour
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In Our Own Images - Pearl Necklaces, Reed Boats, Baskets
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Sitting on the Mat, with Dog, Cat and Rat
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Acoustic and haptic through BERLIN GLOBAL - Public guided tour for blind, visually impaired and sighted people
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Humboldt Forum
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Booty Carrell DJ Set
DURCHLÜFTEN – 2024 Live Concerts & DJ Acts
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The forest protests! Workshop - Group offer
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Führung zur Geschichte des Ortes
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Humboldt Forum
A Collector Between Two Worlds. Francis La Flesche and his collection - Guided group tour
Bookable group offer
Humboldt Forum
In-visible hands. Bookable group tour
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"After nature" - overview tour. Bookable group tour
Bookable group offer
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The Benin Bronzes Restitution and what next? Bookable group tour
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Naganess - Group guided tour
Perceptions of the self and the other
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The disappeared Palace. Guided tour for school classes
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Humboldt Forum for the particularly curious - Group offer
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BERLIN GLOBAL in 60 minutes. Bookable group tour for adults
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Where the roof has been blown away. Contemporary art from Asia. Group offer
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Humboldt Forum
Unhindered - Ethnological Collections. Auditory and tactile tour for adults with and without visual impairment. Group offer
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Humboldt Forum
Voices on the Palace of the Republic. Workshop on interview analysis
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One Hour Ethnologisches Museum. Bookable group tour
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Daily Life in the Castle Cellar. Workshop Primary school classes in German
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Humboldt Forum
Creative writing salon. Creative writing workshop for adults - Group offer
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Humboldt Forum
Scene of domination and upheaval - Group offer
Guided tour on the history of the site for pupils
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Humboldt Forum
"After nature" in the Humboldt Lab. Overview tour for pupils in grades 8 to 13
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Just a facade? Architectural tour in German Sign Language. Bookable group offer
Bookable group offer
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Living archive. Exploring the sound archive and its history for pupils in grades 8-13 - group offer
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What is Buddhism? Guided tour for school classes
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Adored or avoided: the Palace of the Republic - Bookable group tour
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Humboldt Forum
Humboldt Forum for Newbies. Group and overview tour for adults
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Humboldt Forum
In a frenzy. From ecstasy to enlightment. Bookable group tour
Bookable group offer
German Museum of Technology
TechLab: Fantastic Plastic - 3D drawing with recyclable plastic
Gropius Bau
Family Workshop
Humboldt Forum