Bookable group offer
Ich bin drin!
Wie funktioniert das Internet?
How do information and communication networks work? How do they change our everyday lives? And: Why do we actually network? With many exhibits, the exhibition shows how we realize our desire for networking. These include, for example, the desk telephones from the Ballhaus Resi in Berlin-Neukölln, the first transatlantic cable that made telegraphy between the USA and Europe possible in 1858, or the modem that activists used to circumvent the state internet block during the 2011 "Arab Spring" in Egypt.
With many "hands-on" stations to explore and try out, the exhibition explains how network technologies work and how we use them. The historical background of today's technology also always plays a role: whether it's smart toilet seats or the online game "Modem Wars". We also ask who produces and controls knowledge, and which data octopuses are greedy for our data. And who would have thought that a GPS-controlled military drone is a distant relative of the good old carrier pigeon? Themed islands such as MAPS, OFFICE, HOME or SHOPPING illuminate the role of technology in different areas of our lives over 1,600 square metres of exhibition space. And if you like even more technology, you are invited to take a tour with the mobile museum robot Tim, which guides you to the most important exhibits.
Trebbiner Straße 9,
10963 Berlin
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+49 (30) 43 97 34 0
+49 (30) 43 97 34 0
Admission price 12,00 €
At the till/ without online ticket € 13 (including 1 € service fee)
Don't fancy queuing? We generally recommend booking an online ticket, especially during the vacation season!
Reduced price 6,00 €
At the till/ without online ticket € 7 (including 1 € service fee)
Admission is free for those under 18 and up to the completion of regular schooling.
Discounts are available to the following, with appropriate proof:
Unemployed persons
Severely disabled persons (from 50%)
Recipients of social welfare
Recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
Federal volunteers and those doing voluntary military service
Berliners with the berlinpass and berlinpass-BuT
Groups from institutions for the disabled
Ich bin drin!
Wie funktioniert das Internet?
12,00 €
At the till/ without online ticket € 13 (including 1 € service fee)
Don't fancy queuing? We generally recommend booking an online ticket, especially during the vacation season!
6,00 €
At the till/ without online ticket € 7 (including 1 € service fee)
Admission is free for those under 18 and up to the completion of regular schooling.
Discounts are available to the following, with appropriate proof:
Unemployed persons
Severely disabled persons (from 50%)
Recipients of social welfare
Recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
Federal volunteers and those doing voluntary military service
Berliners with the berlinpass and berlinpass-BuT
Groups from institutions for the disabled
From 10 persons per person, regular: 7,00 €, reduced: 2,00 €.
Click here for information about Yearly ticket.
+49 (30) 247 49-888
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