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Berliner Unterwelten e.V.
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Dietmar Arnold
Tour 1 – Dark Worlds
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Frieder Salm
Tour 2 – From Flaktowers to Mountains of Debris
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel
Tour 3 – Bunkers, Subways and the Cold War
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel
Tour M – Under the Berlin Wall
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel
Tour O – OP-Bunker Teichstraße
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel
Tour F – The Fichtebunker Time Capsule
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel
Tour A - AEG-Tunnel
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel

The Berliner Unterwelten e.V. has been researching and documenting the historical connections of Berlin's underground since 1997. The hidden historical sites bear witness to Berlin's eventful and often dark history and are accessible to the public through tours. The thematic focus here is on the time of the Nazi regime and the German division. The tours accompany visitors to the underground sites and provide an impressive and exciting discovery tour that brings Berlin's history to life. In Berlin's bunker sites, for example, you can learn how people tried to escape through tunnels or through the sewers at the time of division, or what the "ghost stations" were all about. In addition to the tours, the museum offers history education through exhibitions, educational seminars, specialist lectures, commemorative and information panels, performances and events.

The history exhibition of the Berliner Unterwelten e.V., a separate section of the Berlin Underworlds Museum at the Gesundbrunnen, takes a look at architecture and urban planning in Nazi-era Berlin under the title "Mythos Germania - Vision und Verbrechen" (Myth of Germania - Vision and Crime) and analyses the ideological objectives and criminal consequences. Albert Speer's plans for Berlin were not a utopia, but a concrete building project. As Hitler's chief architect and "General Building Inspector for the Reich Capital" (GBI), he designed broad axes and monumental buildings of enormous dimensions to demonstrate the Nazi system's claim to power. Berlin would no longer have served as a living space, but as a representation space for the regime. The multimedia exhibition invites visitors to independently explore the multi-layered topic.

Opening hours,

  • Monday-Sunday 10:00 - 15:30

Visit only with a guided tour. Guided tour times depend on the season. For the current guided tour programme, please see the calendar on the website. Admission only with ticket purchased online. No ticket sales on site.


Brunnenstraße 105, 13355 Berlin

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+49 (30) 499 105-17


+49 (30) 499 105-19




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Admission price 17,00 €

Admission prices depending on tour

Reduced price 13,00 €

Reduction only for pupils, trainees, students, persons doing voluntary service, severely disabled persons, social welfare recipients, unemployed persons - in each case with appropriate proof

Buy ticket


permanant exhibition of the berliner unterwelten e.V.
© Philipp Dase

Hitler's Plans for Berlin

Myth Germania - Vision and Crime


Berlin Underworlds Museum

YouTube Channel Berliner Unterwelten e.V.


Burkhart Veigel
© Archiv Berliner Unterwelten e.V.

Berlin Underworlds Museum

"Contemporary witnesses in conversation" - escape helper Burkhart Veigel

Escape help and fates at the Berlin Wall

Lecture, talk

4th Long Night of the Underworlds
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Marit Roloff Grafik Design

Berlin Underworlds Museum

4th Long Night of the Underworlds




Admission price

17,00 €

Admission prices depending on tour

Reduced price

13,00 €

Reduction only for pupils, trainees, students, persons doing voluntary service, severely disabled persons, social welfare recipients, unemployed persons - in each case with appropriate proof

Group ticket

Buy ticket


  • Museum Shop


The tours are not barrier-free accessible due to the structural conditions.



Mitte Museum. Sanierte Ziegelfassade. Foto - Friedhelm Hoffmann. 2018.
Mitte Museum

City History Museum

Mitte Museum

Regional History Museum for Mitte, Tiergarten and Wedding in Berlin

Ausstellung: Natürlich heute! Mitmachen für morgen
Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin

Museum for children

Labyrinth Children's Museum Berlin

Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer
© Stiftung Berliner Mauer


Berlin Wall Memorial

Berlin Wall Foundation

© Stiftung Haus der Geschichte/Stefan Klonk
© Stiftung Haus der Geschichte/Stefan Klonk

History Museum

Museum in the Kulturbrauerei

House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany Foundation

Hauseingang zum Museum Pankow in der Heynstraße 8
Museum Pankow © Eric Müller
Hauseingang zum Museum Pankow in der Heynstraße 8

City History Museum

Museum Pankow / Heynstraße

Der ehemalige Führungsturm am Kieler Ufer, 2018
Foto: Stiftung Berliner Mauer
Der ehemalige Führungsturm am Kieler Ufer, 2018. Foto: Stiftung Berliner Mauer


Günter Litfin Memorial

Berlin Wall Foundation


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