The museum is located in two architecturally remarkable buildings: the most important preserved baroque building in Berlin, the currently closed Zeughaus, and a highlight of modern architecture, the Pei-Bau.
The survey exhibition on German history in the Zeughaus is currently being revised. The building is also not accessible due to necessary repairs.
The Pei-Bau continues to feature temporary exhibitions on defining events and figures in German history in a European context, accompanied by guided tours, inclusive formats, digital presentations, discussions, and lectures. An outdoor poster exhibition on the facade of the Zeughaus in the alley leading to the Pei-Bau bears witness to the building's eventful history. Since January 2023, the Zeughauskino has also been located in the Pei-Bau.
- Monday-Sunday 10:00 - 18:00
Zeughaus: closed
The opening hours are valid for the Pei-Bau (Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin)
Information about the visit:
- 24. December closed
Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, 10117 Berlin
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+49 (30) 203 04- 750 / 751
Admission price 7,00 €
Reduced price 3,50 €
Admission free until 18 years
German Historical Museum
Guided English Tour “Roads not Taken. Or: Things could have turned out differently”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Öffentliche Führung „Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Öffentliche Führung „Roads not Taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Guided English Tour “What is Enlightenment? Questions for the Eighteenth Century”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Wie wird man mündig? Demokratische Bildung und öffentlicher Gebrauch von Vernunft
Lecture, talk, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Mut zu Outreach! Chancen und Herausforderungen für Museen
Lecture, talk
German Historical Museum
Führung mit Objektbeschreibungen „Roads not Taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können”
German Historical Museum
Eine Forschungsreise in die Welt vor 300 Jahren
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Zauberflöte – Mit allen Sinnen in die Welt der Aufklärung eintauchen
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Führung in Einfacher Sprache „Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert”
German Historical Museum
Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Zur Thematisierung von Revolutionen und Verfassungen in der Ausstellung
Guided Tour, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Wie spricht man mit? Demokratisierungsprozesse in und durch Revolutionen
Lecture, talk, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Zwischen Norm und Freiheit: Geschlechter im Wandel
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Spot an! Feministische Perspektiven auf die Ausstellung „Roads not Taken”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Tandemführung mit Übersetzung in DGS „Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert”
German Historical Museum
Between norm and freedom: changing genders
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
In the spotlight. Feminist Perspectives on the Exhibition “Roads not Taken”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Telefonführung für blinde, sehbehinderte und sehende Personen „Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert”
German Historical Museum
Führungen mit Objektbeschreibungen „Was ist Aufklärung? Fragen an das 18. Jahrhundert”
German Historical Museum
Wie teilt man Gewalten? Republik und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in und seit der Aufklärung
Lecture, talk, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Enlightenment NOW Festival Vol.3
Concert, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Führung in Einfacher Sprache „Roads not Taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können”
Guided Tour
German Historical Museum
Was bleibt? Zum Erbe der Aufklärung(-spraxis)
Lecture, talk, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Von Farben und Formen: Zum Konzept der Architektur und der Präsentation der Exponate in der Ausstellung
Guided Tour, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Führung mit Übersetzung in DGS „Roads not Taken. Oder: Es hätte auch anders kommen können”
German Historical Museum
Long Night of Museums
Guided Tour, Miscellaneous
German Historical Museum
Online presentations on German history
Digital presentation for streaming to the classroom or home
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours for adults "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours for students "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours with translation into DGS "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours with object descriptions "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours in simple language "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tours for integration and orientation courses "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
History workshop for school classes in grades 11-13: Things could have turned out differently
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for school classes "Really now?" - Decision-making moments in German history
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
History workshop for school classes in grades 7-10: Things could have turned out differently
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Multiplier event for the exhibition "Roads not Taken. Or: It could have turned out differently"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Themed tour "Spot on! Feminist perspectives on the exhibition 'Roads not Taken'"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for adults "What is Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Themed tour "Freedom, equality, enlightenment?"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for students "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Learning German in the museum: guided tour for integration and orientation courses "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Audio guide "What is Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
A research trip to the world 300 years ago
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Telephone tour for blind, visually impaired, sighted and mobility-impaired people "What is the Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour in simple language "What is Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour with translation into German Sign Language (DGS) "What is Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour with object descriptions for blind, visually impaired and sighted people "What is Enlightenment? Questions for the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Discover the exhibition together! Inclusive and interactive guided tour for after-school groups and primary school classes, grades 4-6 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for inclusive school classes in grades 7-13 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for school classes in grades 7-10 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Guided tour for school classes in grades 11-13 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
History workshop for school classes in grades 7-10 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
History workshop for school classes in grades 11-13 "What is Enlightenment? Questions about the 18th century"
Bookable group offer
German Historical Museum
Films from the poison cabinet - "Hitlerjunge Quex" and feature films under National Socialism
Bookable group offer
Collection Database
Admission price
7,00 €
Reduced price
3,50 €
Admission free until 18 years
Family ticket
Click here for information about Family ticket.
Member of Museumspass Berlin
Booking Telephone
+49 (30) 203 04-751
- Museum Shop
- Library
- Diaper changing table
In German, English.
Museum for children
Haus Bastian - Centre for Cultural Education
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Art Museum
Altes Museum
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Art Museum
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Art Museum
Neues Museum
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
History Museum
Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Exhibition house