Museum Treptow was founded in 1991 and is located on the second floor of the former City Hall of Johannisthal. The Neorenaissance building was erected in 1906 and refurbished in 2005/2006 according to the strict guidelines for historical monuments.
The permanent exhibition under the title "Aus 200 Jahren Treptower Geschichte" ("From 200 Years of Treptow History") is devoted to several themes that previously were examined in special exhibitions. For example, they explore the Johannisthal Flugplatz – Germany's first motorised airfield – and the life of the brave pilot Melli Beese. Other chapters examine the Berlin industrial exhibition of 1896, the development of cycling in Berlin, Treptow as a recreational destination, the history of the Teltow Canal and life in the Treptow-Neukölln border area.
The comprehensive archive is open to the public. The museum places value on the inclusion of daily experience and stories and enables thus civic participation in its work.
- Monday-Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
- Friday 09:00 - 14:00
- Saturday-Sunday 14:00 - 18:00
Sterndamm 102, 12487 Berlin
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+49 (30) 90297-3351
+49 (30) 90297-5630
Free entrance
Free entrance
Booking Telephone
+49 (30) 90297-3351
- Archive
Service Telephone
+49 (30) 90297-3351
Documentation Center
Nazi Forced Labour Documentation Centre
Topography of Terror Foundation
Museum of Technology
Industriesalon Schöneweide
Exhibition house
Stiftung Reinbeckhallen
Collection for Contemporary Art
Literature Museum
Anna Seghers Museum
Archive of the Academy of Arts
Museum for children
Alice - Museum for Children
City History Museum